Could Tom have been at home yesterday Bring your umbrella. > ABOUT THIS SITE: Copyright Laurent Camus - Learn more / Help / Contact | Do not copy or translate - site protected by an international copyright | Cookies | Legal notices. Modal verbs exercises with answers Tom to call Susan yesterday but he forgot.

| Get | Grammar | Guide | Harry Potter | Have | Homonyms | How words are built | Human body | I like, I dislike | Idioms | Imperative | Impersonal | Infinitive | Introducing someone | Inversion | Irregular verbs | Jobs | Journeys | Linking words | Literature | Make or do? | Making portraits, describing | Mars | Matilda | Methodology | Modals | Movements | Music | Nature | Negation | Newspaper | Nouns | Numbers | Online activities | Opinions | Opposite words | Particles | Passive voice | Past | Past habits | Phone calls | Placement tests | Plural | Poems | Politeness | Prepositions | Present | Present participle | Present perfect | Plu perfect| Pronouns | Pronunciation | Punctuation | Quantities | Question Tags | Questions | Relative sentences | Say, tell or speak? | School | Several tests | Slang words, colloquial words | Snow | Songs | Speaking | Sports | Subject-Verb agreement | Subjunctive | Subordinate clauses | Suggesting | Synonyms | Tales | The Internet | The house | The weather | There is/There are | This or That? | To have someone do something | Towns | Translations | USA | United Kingdom | Video | Waiting for approval | What time is it? | With a lesson | Writing a letter Past modals exercise 1 (could have, should have, would have) Click here to return to the main modals page. Therell be more soon Modal verbs of ability exercise 1. | Clothes | Colours/Colors | Comparisons | Compound words | Conditional and hypothesis | Conjunctions | Contractions | Countries and nationalities | Dates, days, months, seasons | Dictation | Direct/Indirect speech | Diseases | Exclamative sentences! | False friends | Family | Films | Find the correct tense | Find the missing letter | Find the word | Food | Frequent mistakes | Future | Games | Gender | General | Geography, history, politics, literature. Heres a list of all the modal verbs exercises on the site. That's why we need to know the substitutes to these modal verbs. (I may, can, must swim.) Many modal verbs cannot be used in all of the English tenses. They express an ability, permission, wish etc. | Banks, money | Beginners | Betty's adventures | Bilingual dialogues | Business | Buying in a shop | Capital letters | Cars | Celebrations: Thanksgiving, new year. Modal verbs are for example may, can, must, should, need. | Adjectives | Adverbs | Agreement/Disagreement | Alphabet | Animals | Articles | Audio test | Be | BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS. If you are struggling with a lesson or an exercise post a question we will try and help you or post your answers and let others compare.> LESSONS AND TESTS: -ing | AS or LIKE | Abbreviations and acronyms. Modal verbs exercise learning English grammarĬlick on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson Easy Pace Learning Forum To view any of the lessons below click on link. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page.

finish it by tomorrow if I stay at work all night, but Im not sure. To print the lesson on modal verbs right click on a white space and choose print. Intermediate grammar exercise: modal verbs for present probability must, cant.
All modal verbs exercises how to#
Modal verbs examples and uses English grammar lesson What will I learn from this grammar lesson on modal verbs?ĭuring this lesson you will learn how to use the following modal verbs in a sentence and their uses.