100k resistor color code
100k resistor color code

100k resistor color code

So, for example, if a resistor has brown and red as the first two bands, the most significant digits will be 1 and 2 (12).

#100k resistor color code code

Black is 0, brown is 1, red is 2 and so on (see the color code table below).

100k resistor color code

Take the four-color band as an example: (1) Remember the numbers represented by each color of the first and second bands. Color bands are used because they can be easily and cheaply printed on a small electronic component. Colors are assigned to all the numbers between 0 and 9, and the color bands basically translate the numbers into a visible code. Tips: You can use Utmel's Resistor Color Code Calculator to easily calculate the resistance value based on color bands or color-coded stripes on a resistor III Resistors color code chart. 1k ohm resistor color code of 4 band resistor is brown. Red 2 (hundreds place) Orange 3 (tens place) Violet 7 (ones place) Black 1. The color code of the 100 ohm resistor with 5 band is brown - black - black - black - Tolerance. In this case the band colors are red, orange, violet, black, and brown. The color code for the four bands 100 Ohm resistor is brown, black, brown, gold. They are usually higher precision resistors.

100k resistor color code

The resistance value and tolerance can be determined from the standard resistor color code. They are made in different physical sizes with power dissipation limits commonly from 1 watt down to 1/8 watt. 82 oh m 10 oh m 11 oh m 12 oh m 13 oh m 15 oh m 16 oh m 18 oh m 2 0 ohm 2 2 ohm 2 4 ohm 2 7 ohm 3 0 ohm 3 3 ohm 3 6 ohm 3 9 ohm 43 oh m 47 oh m 5 1 ohm 5 6 ohm 62 oh m 68 oh m 75 oh m 82 oh m 91 oh m 10 0 oh m 11 0 oh m 12 0 oh m 13 0 oh m 15 0 oh m 16 0 oh m 18 0 oh m 2 0 0 ohm 2 2 0 ohm 2 4 0 ohm 2 7 0 ohm 3 0 0 ohm 3 3 0 ohm 3 6 0 ohm 3 9 0 ohm 43 0 oh m 47 0 oh m 5 1 0 ohm 5 6 0 ohm 62 0 oh m 68 0 oh m 75 0 oh m 82 0 oh m 91 0 oh m 1.0 k 1.1 k 1.2 k 1.3 k 1.5 k 1.6 k 1.8 k 2. Color-coding is a method used to indicate the resistive value, tolerance, and temperature coefficient of resistors with low wattage rating because of their small size. Above is an example of a 5 band resistor. The most common type for electronics use is the carbon resistor.

100k resistor color code